The Commonwealth Fund released a study comparing primary care in the United States to other industrialized countries. Primary care needs help. US healthcare needs help. Solving our problems in primary care will go a long way to fixing healthcare. The facts from the study are compelling:
Percent of Patients Seeing the Same PCP Greater Than 5 Years:
o US 43%
o Germany 71%
Percent of PCPs that Perform House Calls:
o US 37%
o UK 97%
Percent of PCPs that Offer After Hours Access to Patients:
o US 45%
o Germany 96%
Percent of Primary Care Practices that Offer Mental Health Services, too:
o US 33%
o Sweden/Netherlands 94%
The Commonwealth Fund study offers several recommendations for the US to improve Primary Care, most of which involve paying primary care physicians MORE and paying them differently.
Hopefully the new administration embraces fixing primary care.
